A Disclaimer: I do not ask for client reviews or testimonials, although when they are given, via email or on search engines such as Google+ or through any media or straight to me in person, I am always delighted to receive them, and then ask clients whether I could include them on my website with the condition that if at any time they wanted them removed, that I would take the review off. To this date and time I’ve never been asked to remove a single testimonial. As a member of the NCH I am allowed to display testimonials.
Although NLP, Life Coacing hypnotherapy and hypnosis works for the majority of people, we cannot guarantee a specific result, and results can vary from person to person.
As with any changes and differences you many wish to take, you will need to take a level of responsibility, to make some time and take some risks in testing things out; as with all good therapies and coaching, hypnotherapy is about a dual relationship and whereas I will do my abolute best to assist you; you also need to do the best by and for you, yourself
If you wish to ask any questions around how I can help, what I can help with, whether you could be helped and anything else related – then please do either call 07807 540142 click HERE or email mail@newdirectionforlife.com
“Hi Matthew, Just wanted to let you know that I’ve had a blood test done today! I did have a bit of a cry and got a bit nervous but am a million percent better than I would have been before seeing you. I think I can definitely say that I can tolerate it now as I’ve seen things on tv and heard people speaking about them and am absolutely fine with it. Just wanted to say thanks again, I really appreciate your help here! Thanks, Lisa”
Lisa – for needle phobia – December 2015
“Really good thanks, 6 months now and still not drinking. Still doing AA as well but thanks for your help as well”
Karen – stopping alcohol – October 2015
“Hi Matthew I’ve decided not to have any more treatment because I don’t feel I need any more. So I would like to say thank you for what you have taught me, which has helped me gain back my mind and reasons to lose weight and be healthy”
Celia – Weight Loss – September 2015
“Listen! I said I never ever wanted to hear from you ever again! So in brief, yes I’ve stopped smoking. Now F~@* Off. Cheers mate Xx”
Frank – stopping smoking – September 2015
(please note I did soft-down the naughty word myself)
“Yes so far no paper. Worked Well! Thanks”
– David for stopping paper chewing – September 2015
“Hi it is a lot better my girlfriend says I’ve not done it and so has by mum and sister. I Know I have done it a few times but not very often and it doesn’t bother me at all now. Thankyou very much”
Robert – facial tics – August 2015
“Hi Matthew – all went well thanks. No issues with flight and I was certainly less concerned/stressed about the upcoming flight that I had been before our session – I would go far to say I was quite relaxed about it which is something I wasn’t expecting. Thanks again – whatever you did certainly helped. I’ll be back again if my symptoms return but hopefully they won’t! All the best, Steve”
Steve – Flying Phobia – July 2015
“Hi Matthew, yes all good thanks. Trying to go onto A34 once a week, mainly to Abingdon. Have been to Newbury & Kidlington. Not really panicking at all now, but still a bit anxious about overtaking, so tend to stay in the slower lane. I’m hoping more I drive the more confident I’ll become and not to over think the taking over. Still using our techniques if I do start to panic”
Paul David – June 2015
“Hi Matthew, things are going well. Still keeping to my gym schedule. Thanks for your help. Will keep your number for future reference. Hope all as well with you too. Take care”
John – Weight Loss and Motivation – June 2015
“All good at present. I have made a few life changes in that I was working 2 days per week and 3 days per week for a charity but this week I’ve started working at the BBC. This is a contract has a definite end date and I’m still working towards my goals. Thank you for your assistance but at this time I’m ok with where I am and what I think I need to do”
Bryan – Life Coaching and Motivation – June 2015
“Hi there. Going well generally. Again a couple of slip ups but not being hard on myself. Accepting, learning and moving on. V
Thank you Matthew. It is making sense to me and I feel able to continue improving my situation. Thanks for your assistance. I’ll be in touch if I need to continue improving my situation. Thanks for your assistance. I’ll be in touch if I need anything further. Take care of you self.
Vanessa – Fear of Driving of Motorways – June 2015
“It’s David and many, many thanks for all your help and I made it around. Sadly my cold turned into a chest infection but I did do it. And sadly not as quickly as I would have liked but I did make it around. Have I mentioned that I made it yet??? ha ha ha -“
David – for helping running the London Marathon 2015

“Hi Matthew, well I had a fantastic holiday very relaxed and now on day 25 without smoking had absolutely no cravings whatsoever. I actually gagged on holiday when i caught the smell of smouldering ashtray. So I’m really happy with the work you did and can’t thank you enough x”
Debbie – stopping Smoking – September 2014
(incidentally I did check up with Debbie in December 2014 – and she was still stopped)
“Hi Matthew, Hope your well. All good here (smiley face) feeling much better. Many positive changes happened and I’m much more relaxed about everything. Thank you!”
Justyna – General Wellbeing and Anxiety – June 2014
“Hi Matthew, things are great! I have not placed a single bet since I saw yu last. Thank again for all your help!
Rashid – for stopping gambling – April 2014
“Hi Matt and thanks for checking up on me its been over 3 years now and I havent smoked and dont even think about it now. Cheers mate and everybody go see this man to stop smoking because it works. Thanks for your help”
Steve Logan – February 2014
“I had suffered from ongoing personal issues for some time that, combined with a lot of work related stress, led to me suffering from anxiety attacks – basically feeling that I might die on the street.As a divorcee I was faced difficult decisions …MoreI had suffered from ongoing personal issues for some time that, combined with a lot of work related stress, led to me suffering from anxiety attacks – basically feeling that I might die on the street.As a divorcee I was faced difficult decisions about my family. At that time I needed help to deal with feelings of loss and loneliness. The Excel practice provided me with support in the short term, but, and more importantly for me, a solid basis to focus on my own needs, and take the care to get my life back on track. The decisions I made at the time now seem to have been in the best interests of everybody.Matt was able to help me understand and manage the source of my work related stress. I found that I could positively assert what i could and could not do, thereby managing the expectations of my clients and getting my stress an anxiety under control.Excellent help.”
Peter Vaughn – for help with personal issues – March 2014
“Treatment at The Excel Practice was second to none for me. Matthew took the time to sit and understand everything that was needed and always left me feeling at ease. I found that the treatment I received helped me overcome the issues I went in …MoreTreatment at The Excel Practice was second to none for me. Matthew took the time to sit and understand everything that was needed and always left me feeling at ease. I found that the treatment I received helped me overcome the issues I went in with after just one session. Matthew has a kind, non invasive personality and he is highly experienced in what he does. I have recommend him to friends and family time and time again. Thank you, Matthew !”
Sophie Jones – Overcoming issues – June 2014
“I went to see Matthew last year for a number of different things so I’ll go through them and briefly state what worked and how it helped
1 Intrusive and morbid thoughts: I was having daily thoughts about myself and loved ones dying or being hurt and it was causing me terrible troubles. These went straight away after the 1st session and this was amazing, this was the first thing Matthew suggested would help straight away. 5 out of 5
2 Spider fear: This one didn’t work quite so well but I’m not as scared as I was. I still scan rooms but less so and when I have seen them I’m much calmer than I used to be but still a bit aware of them. 4 out of 5
3 Public speaking: This is much better and I am able to feel calmer inside I’ve had many smaller meetings where I have spoken more and felt good about it. I also was able to talk to about 18 people with some nerves but this was my first time since university that I had to do this and it was okay but I still did it. This is getting better every time now. This did take 2 sessions. 5 out of 5
4 A personal issue and I will not go into what it was: This is now not an issue for me and this is a massive relief because it was affecting me in my daily life. I left this one until last because I wasn’t really sure about telling Matthew and I honestly felt that it was something I should be able to get over myself but I couldn’t. But now it has gone and I am amazed and truly thankful. This almost seemed like the least important thing but has probably turned out to be the most important thing and I will admit I almost didn’t let Matthew address it. 5 out of 5
Overall I would rate this service 5 out of 5″
Shelley Morgan – A few things, (please read) – May 2014
“Hi Mathew, yes everything is going very well. I am feeling much better and sleeping really well.i am finding that in company when everyone is drinking and I feel I should be too, I have a sniff of the wine and it’s enough to turn me off. The bloating has gone and I have been told I look better,although I haven’t broadcast giving up alcohol. I feel confident that things will continue on this pathway, but I will contact you if need be.thank you for your help.”
Julie – for alcohol, stress and sleeping – March 2014
“Mathew, Its going quite well thanks. I have managed to take the tablets without the normal ‘dear’ beforehand, and without needing to surprise myself into taking them. I am still getting the nausea after taking them, but not to the same degree as before and there isn’t anything anyone can do about that I just have to bear that part. Thank you so much for all your help, it seems to be working much better than I expected.”
Jim – Phobia of Taking tablets, March 2014
“After 20 years of struggling to find any real help for my issues through counselling and psychotherapy, I decided to give hypnotherapy a try. Matthew was friendly and welcoming and quickly put me at ease, being easy to talk with rather than …MoreAfter 20 years of struggling to find any real help for my issues through counselling and psychotherapy, I decided to give hypnotherapy a try. Matthew was friendly and welcoming and quickly put me at ease, being easy to talk with rather than indifferent and un-opinionated like the cold fish therapists I’ve struggled to engage with in the past. Due to the nature of my difficulties I can’t say that I found all the sessions easy, however I did find a peculiar kind of peace and serenity afterwards which often gave me the space in my head to put together some missing parts of my jigsaw puzzle. Matthew also gave me some tools to help me cope with more everyday situations that I sometimes found troublesome. All in all, none of it was anything like I expected it to be. All I can say is that 20 months after meeting him I am far from the state of chaos and despair that I had been in, and well on the way to having the life I had envisaged for myself”
Shakeela – for situational issues and stress – March 2014
“This guy is very professional and knows what he’s doing, has helped me overcome stress and anxiety issues that i’ve been facing for years. Highly recommended for anyone who has been suffering stress anxiety or phobias, and a very friendly welcoming service, who takes time and care with his clients wellbeing. A* “
Lilly – for stress and anxiety – March 2014
“This therapy all went brilliant and I’m feeling like I should do and should be feeling, This is going to help me so much in my career and my prospects and I won’t have to wing it anymore. Speaking to groups is so much easier now and doing conference calls isn’t a trouble at all. Now the wedding speech went well not perfect but it was alright, people said I did very good and that made me feel good but I want better and I’ll get better and I know that I need to do the rest. But thank you Matthew for all that you helped me with”
Gary S – for public speaking – February 2014
“I haven’t gambled at all. I did get a bit annoyed watching young people who I didn’t even know scratching scratch cards thinking you’re not going to win but I had to let it go. I can’t believe how easy it was to stop and I used to spend my wages and see nothing for it. Not now because I’ve stopped”
Joe Allen -for gambling – February 2014
“Things have been really good and now I’m eating breakfast and a better lunch and I’m stopping eating when I’m full-up now and leaving things which I don’t want to eat. I’m also sleeping better and have noticed I’ve got more patience with other people, so things are certainly on the up for me.”
Sean H. – for eating issues and weight loss – Januray 2014
“Thanks Matthew. For everyone to know I used to very scared of dying and scared of being around people and what they might do to me. Matthew helped me to understand where my fears came from and they came from my Auntie and Grandad dying very close in time and this what at a time when I had some very personal problems in my life all happening all at the same time. He said that I had been over whelmed with situations and problems that I fell apart in my mind and I agree that he was right. I felt better after the first session straight away and after the third and last session I also understood why I felt scared of other things as well around why I was scared of other people. Because of Matthew’s help I can now drive myself again and do more things what I want to do and I feel much more confident now as well”
Emily – for fear of death and dying, December 2013
“Indeed I have noticed all the things you said I’d notice – I do feel fuller quicker, I’m eating slower, I’m putting down my food before eating another mouthful, I’m very aware now of my eating, I’m (strangely) drinking more water (it tastes ok-sometimes-yuk-ish), I’m listening to my body and most strangely of all I’m leaving food !!!!!!! I don’t believe in magic so something stranger has haven’t here !!!!!!! But I don’t care why it worked but just that it did work, Matthew I love you xx”
Rose – for weight loss, November 2013
“I’ll keep this sweet and short – I had a looking at pornography problem and I used “escorts”. I had issues but now I understand why. I’m now in a good and healthy relationship and things are much better now. I’m allowing this to be used in the condition that my name won’t be used”
(Steve) – for pornpgraphy addiction – November 2013
“Hi Matthew, I am indeed feeling much better, to the extent that I’ve been able to give a home to another rescue dog already this surprised me more than anyone, and I am sure your help was instrumental in being able to do this. if there’s anything else where I feel you’d be able to help me, you can be sure I’ll be in touch
thanks & regards, Mary”
Mary – for help around Bereavement of a beloved dog, October 2013
“Hi Matthew, what we worked on has made a huge difference and I wished I had addressed it sooner. I feel very relaxed about it now. Thanks again, and I will be touch if there is anything else”
Ellie – Situation around bullying, October 2013
I’m doing really well, I have definitely noticed a change. I still feel like it’s there but I can tell myself not to respond in a bad way. Kind of weird but that other big person in me has shrunk but not completely gone, but I can manage what is left as I also feel it needs to be there. I hope that makes sense and I’m sure it will to you. Thank you for your help
Jenni – Jealousy issues, August 2013
“hi matthew i came to you in january . i have still given up smoking from 40aday for 20 years to nothing with only your help. thankyou so much my life has now changed for the better. next goal is loosing wait so i will see you soon”
Jan – Stopping Smoking August 2013
“Hi Matthew, I just wanted to thank you again for the session yesterday and to let you know that I have already encountered a spider (in the kitchen sink this evening!). It startled me at first but I managed to look at it for a moment before calmly asking my husband to dispose of it – so that is some progress at least for me! Thank you and it has given me the confidence to think things will get even better.”
Debbie- Spider phobia, September 2013
“Hi, the flight went fine I feel this is all behind me now thanks for your help”
Martin – Flying phobia, September 2013
Cheers mate really happy and have not even tried to gamble or even through about it since, really ****ing impressed. Have told some friends as well, cheers Matt, ****ing amazing result
Gary – Gambling addiction July 2013
“Don’t know how you did it but I stopped smoking just like that very easy to easy and straight after I saw you. It was weird like I don’t want to smoke and never will want to again and also wish I never had started. Thank you so much and I have told lots of people about you and they will get in contact. Thank you”
Jon – Stopping Smoking July 2013
“Hi Matt it’s Phil here I’m back from my travels again. Just to sat thanks and things are so much better now (Smiley Face) hope all is well”
Phil – Flying Phobia June 2013
“Hi Mathew, Its going quite well thanks. I have managed to take the tablets without the normal ‘dear’ beforehand, and without needing to surprise myself into taking them. I am still getting the nausea after taking them, but not to the same degree as before and there isn’t anything anyone can do about that I just have to bear that part. Thank you so much for all your help, it seems to be working much better than I expected.”
Jim – Taking tablets Phobia June 2013
“On leaving your office I went straight to the roof of the Butts car park and spent about 10 minutes looking over the edge, I didn’t feel anything, no giddiness, no nervousness or stomach churning. Thank you so much”
Kieran – (previous) Fear of Heights – March 2013
“you didn’t help me one bit, maybe you tried but it didn’t help me”
Sam – weight loss – March 2013
“Hi matthew. This is Sam Kennedy. liams grampy. I just wanted to say how grateful i am for the improvements with rios tics since he has been to see you. The joy we all feel at the control he now has over his problem is priceless. Thank you so much for your help. You have no idea how grateful we all are for your help.”
“Cheers matthew. Thanks matthew. Saw liam tonight, not a tic in sight. A few minor ones in private im told. He is smiling. Mum is smiling. I am smiling. Cant believe the improvement. Hope it continues. Thank you once again matthew. Priceless help.”
Sam for Grandson – Tics / Tourette’s Syndrome – March 2013
“I was some issues with personal stress and procrastination so that I was at my wit’s end with. I contacted Matt originally for life coaching but after he explanied things he suggested a combination of life coaching and hypnotherapy. It was just like a relaxing conversation. But, it has helped quite a bit. I am doing much better at accomplishing tasks, getting to the gym; and not getting overwhelmed by them. I would definitely recommend this service for anyone who is struggling with overcoming bad habits”
Gino – help with motivation April 2013
“I am not impressed, I started smoking again. It only lasted 3 days … I told you that I could undo it and I have. I think you should pay me back”
“It doesn’t matter what I originally thought, you lied, I told you at the time I could undo it” … … “and I didn’t understand what you meant because I’m trained, and you’re not” … “You are a fraud because you’re not trained and I am I’m classically trained I’m a psychologist”
AbelelBug – a psychologist – Oxfordshire – March 2013
(I’m saying to people that I always try my best and also in fairness most people listen and want their ideal result – however some people will always argue — however I’m happy to post these responses – and here it is – above – and i did pay her, her money back)
“Thanks Matthew. For everyone to know I used to very scared of dying and scared of being around people and what they might do to me. Matthew helped me to understand where my fears came from and they came from my Auntie and Grandad dying very close in time and this what at a time when I had some very personal problems in my life all happening all at the same time. He said that I had been over whelmed with situations and problems that I fell apart in my mind and I agree that he was right. I felt better after the first session straight away and after the third and last session I also understood why I felt scared of other things as well around why I was scared of other people. Because of Matthew’s help I can now drive myself again and do more things what I want to do and I feel much more confident now as well”
Emily – for fear of death and dying, December 2013
“Indeed I have noticed all the things you said I’d notice – I do feel fuller quicker, I’m eating slower, I’m putting down my food before eating another mouthful, I’m very aware now of my eating, I’m (strangely) drinking more water (it tastes ok-sometimes-yuk-ish), I’m listening to my body and most strangely of all I’m leaving food !!!!!!! I don’t believe in magic so something stranger has haven’t here !!!!!!! But I don’t care why it worked but just that it did work, Matthew I love you xx”
Rose – for weight loss, November 2013
“I’ll keep this sweet and short – I had a looking at pornography problem and I used “escorts”. I had issues but now I understand why. I’m now in a good and healthy relationship and things are much better now. I’m allowing this to be used in the condition that my name won’t be used”
(Steve) – for pornpgraphy addiction – November 2013
“Hi Matthew, I am indeed feeling much better, to the extent that I’ve been able to give a home to another rescue dog already this surprised me more than anyone, and I am sure your help was instrumental in being able to do this. if there’s anything else where I feel you’d be able to help me, you can be sure I’ll be in touch
thanks & regards, Mary”
Mary – for help around Bereavement of a beloved dog, October 2013
“Hi Matthew, what we worked on has made a huge difference and I wished I had addressed it sooner. I feel very relaxed about it now. Thanks again, and I will be touch if there is anything else”
Ellie – Situation around bullying, October 2013
I’m doing really well, I have definitely noticed a change. I still feel like it’s there but I can tell myself not to respond in a bad way. Kind of weird but that other big person in me has shrunk but not completely gone, but I can manage what is left as I also feel it needs to be there. I hope that makes sense and I’m sure it will to you. Thank you for your help
Jenni – Jealousy issues, August 2013
“hi matthew i came to you in january . i have still given up smoking from 40aday for 20 years to nothing with only your help. thankyou so much my life has now changed for the better. next goal is loosing wait so i will see you soon”
Jan – Stopping Smoking August 2013
“Hi Matthew, I just wanted to thank you again for the session yesterday and to let you know that I have already encountered a spider (in the kitchen sink this evening!). It startled me at first but I managed to look at it for a moment before calmly asking my husband to dispose of it – so that is some progress at least for me! Thank you and it has given me the confidence to think things will get even better.”
Debbie- Spider phobia, September 2013
“Hi, the flight went fine I feel this is all behind me now thanks for your help”
Martin – Flying phobia, September 2013
Cheers mate really happy and have not even tried to gamble or even through about it since, really ****ing impressed. Have told some friends as well, cheers Matt, ****ing amazing result
Gary – Gambling addiction July 2013
“Don’t know how you did it but I stopped smoking just like that very easy to easy and straight after I saw you. It was weird like I don’t want to smoke and never will want to again and also wish I never had started. Thank you so much and I have told lots of people about you and they will get in contact. Thank you”
Jon – Stopping Smoking July 2013
“Hi Matt it’s Phil here I’m back from my travels again. Just to sat thanks and things are so much better now (Smiley Face) hope all is well”
Phil – Flying Phobia June 2013
“Hi Mathew, Its going quite well thanks. I have managed to take the tablets without the normal ‘dear’ beforehand, and without needing to surprise myself into taking them. I am still getting the nausea after taking them, but not to the same degree as before and there isn’t anything anyone can do about that I just have to bear that part. Thank you so much for all your help, it seems to be working much better than I expected.”
Jim – Taking tablets Phobia June 2013
“On leaving your office I went straight to the roof of the Butts car park and spent about 10 minutes looking over the edge, I didn’t feel anything, no giddiness, no nervousness or stomach churning. Thank you so much”
Kieran – (previous) Fear of Heights – March 2013
“you didn’t help me one bit, maybe you tried but it didn’t help me”
Sam – weight loss – March 2013
“Hi matthew. This is Sam Kennedy. liams grampy. I just wanted to say how grateful i am for the improvements with rios tics since he has been to see you. The joy we all feel at the control he now has over his problem is priceless. Thank you so much for your help. You have no idea how grateful we all are for your help.”
“Cheers matthew. Thanks matthew. Saw liam tonight, not a tic in sight. A few minor ones in private im told. He is smiling. Mum is smiling. I am smiling. Cant believe the improvement. Hope it continues. Thank you once again matthew. Priceless help.”
Sam for Grandson – Tics / Tourette’s Syndrome – March 2013
Hi Matthew here is a picture of my most recent dive. Claire, April 2012
From a client from orginally seen in March 2010 for helping with a fear of water and the fish and creatures within
Claire – Phobia of water based creatures and being on water/boat – March 2010

“Hi Matthew, Here is a little debrief of the days running up to the flight and the flight itself. The nearer it got to the date the more I began to think about the flight, not necessarily in a negative way but it was on my mind. Due to what we had done I was also anxious whether the hypnotherapy would ‘work’ so to speak and so this lead to thinking about it perhaps more than normal but again not in a bad way.
The morning of the flight was mostly excitement which was nice, this lasted all the way to the airport and even whilst boarding I was surprisingly calm! All the normal cabin crew stuff that I thought would panic me a bit didn’t really register. The whole experience felt very normal.
As take off began I was sort of waiting to feel a bit scared but it didn’t come and then relief took over as the plane leveled out and I sort of realised that I had got through it. Very good feeling. I even managed to laugh a bit during some turbulence which was fun. The return flight was no issue after this and felt like flying did when I was younger which is ideal. Thank you again for your help, much appreciated”
James – Reading – Flying Phobia, February 2013
“Hi Matthew everything going good with both of no lapses in the smoking department at all, seems to have worked a treat! No need for a call or anything. Really appreciated your help!”
Dave – Reading – Stopping Smoking, January 2013
“hiya….sorry I didn’t reply…its been manic with packing and moving!!! the flight was Gre8…it was amazing!! thank u.”
Angela – Fear of Flying, October 2012
“The sessions have not only cured my main problem but they have helped in other ways and I think they have helped me care less about the main issues and am so much more relaxed now and feel so much more comfortable in work and what were stressful situations that I do genuinely feel so much better and comfortable. Therefore, I want to see how I get on for the time being, thank you very much”
Rachel – Blushing, August 2012
“I presented to my colleagues last week for the first time since my session with you and was shocked at how calm I was and able to actually speak clearly and make eye contact with the room. I have never ever been able to do that so thank you very much, I was an extremely happy person that day.”
Sophie – Blushing and Public Speaking, June 2012
“Ah. Ok. You see how organised I am!But, no, could we cancel the appoitment anyway? I don’t know if our last session was some sort of miracle cure but things have resolved since we last met. So thanks for your help and I’ll be in touch if I need further help. Thanks again! I guess the simplest way of explaining it is that I met the right girl”
Aaron – Confidence, Confidence with Women and Relationship Difficulties, March 2012
“Thank you, I have to say there is a huge difference with my gag reflex, thank you so much”
Ruth – Gag Reflux, March 2012
“Hi Matthew, he’s doing better more dry than wet, I these days maybe one day a week at the most now, I think its going to be a long time before he’s dry every night but it’s getting there. Thank you for all you’re help and thank you for keeping up and asking. I very much appreciate it”
Nadine – for her 8 year old son for Bed wetting, March 2012
“Hallo pal. I’m good thank u. I am a non smoker!!! I don’t crave, I’m not moody, I don’t eat like a pig… Life is good @ the mo .. Thank u very much. I told loads of people of u .. Hope u r well”
M.V. – Stopping Smoking, Januray 2012
“I presented to my colleagues last week for the first time since my session with you and was shocked at how calm I was and able to actually speak clearly and make eye contact with the room. I have never ever been able to do that so thank you very much, I was an extremely happy person that day.”
Sophie – Public Speaking June 2012
Hi Mathew. I felt benefit from session yesterday and very real sense of calm afterwards, U r very right, home has been anchor for anxiety. I get so stressed thinking about coming home and yet recently at least I have coped with some noise. Only until recently have I had this issue which was very evident today. I will c how the next week goes with hope it at least lessons. Thank u for all u have done 4 me to date.
Rgds Rich 22-06-2012
Hi Matthew. Thanks for checking up. It’s most reassuring. I’ve been very much better recently. Depressive symptoms have gone. Anxiety coming home is far less. So for the time being I think I am ok. However I will all on u again if things slip. Thank you sincerely for helping me through such awful symptoms. I could not have done it without your help.
Rgds Rich 29-06=2012
Thanks Matt. Please b assured of my recommendation of u t others. It’s reassuring to know u r there if I need your help again.
Rgds Rich 30-06-2012
Hi Matt. The work u did with me re noise management has assuredly worked! It has not come like a bolt of lightning but gradually. Both in bust restaurants and re children, I can obviously hear the noise but it does not stress me half as much anymore. My wife has remarked on the improvement too. Just wanted to share the positive news with u. Still early days but it has had a good effect. Thank you!
Rich – Anxiety, Stressful Situation and Depression, 2012
I went to see Mat at excel hypnosis! to see if I could get some relief from my migraines and anxiety. I had had a migraine for the whole month of June. After 2 sessions with Dan, I have yet to have another headache of any kind. He also helped me with tools that I could use to reduce my anxiety myself.
Marty – Migraines, Stress and Anxiety – August 2012
“Since I saw you last summer I have moved to Manchester with my girlfriend. We stayed with her family while I found work but we have our own house now. I am working in Selfridges in the Trafford Centre. I visited Manchester last Christmas and couldn’t even visit the centre because of my panic attacks, now I am working there every day, no hint of a panic attack. I also drove the moving van with our stuff in from Didcot to Manchester, something I never thought I would be able to do. I’m going from strength to strength here, doing more all the time that I couldn’t do before.I couldn’t have got here without your help, I am grateful. Thank you so, so much. Thank you again a million times.”
Jonathon – Agoraphobia, December 2011
“I went to see Matthew with a problem about depression and found out it was about something that happened in my past but that doesn’t matter now because whatever happened it helped and I feel much better now. I cant explain it but it definitely helped me and I feel a lot better now so I would say if you have something like this then give it a go”
George – Depression, Anxiety and Stress, October 2011
“Matthew has really helped me with my motivation and to increase my productivity and creativity as well which has gone down well at work as well as for me in my personal life. After only 3 sessions I now feel so much more in control of my life, more relaxed and comfortable, as well as my confidence increasing tenfold. The hypnosis also helped to decrease my anxiety and the horrid stress I was under at the time to almost nothing now. All the sessions were very relaxing, peaceful for my mind and insightful at the same time and afterwards I really can’t remember feeling as peaceful for such a long time. I recommend Matthew and his skills to anyone wanting to feel better in themselves”
Chris M, London – Motivation – October 2011
“you sould be ashamed of your self you are a fake. you are a noncense and you are an idiot. I hate you and i will tell everyone to not see you”
H – PUA and social confidence – October 2011
Mathew is awesome, hypnotherpi really does work and Matthew has done so much for me that I’m already beginning to feel positive in every way. I recommend him very much he is truely the real deal.
Kim – for Confidence – March 2011
“Just wanted you to know that I have been getting on amazingly well in the last couple of weeks – better than I could ever have imagined. Food fixations seemed to disappear immediately and I don’t count calories any more. I have lost a few pounds, but unlike any previous weight loss, it has been virtually effortless. My only fear now is losing this new way of thinking, but hopefully time will cement it as habit. I would certainly recommend you to any friend who is thinking of some kind of therapy. Thanks very much.”
Ann from Islington, London – Food Addiction and Weight Loss, August 2011
“I went to see Matt – after 35 years of smoking. I was astonished at the results and have now been smoke free for 8 months. I’m so glad I went to him and very grateful to”
Steve L, London – Stopping Smoking – July 2011
“It’s been 14 weeks now during which time I’ve had no chocolate at all and lost a stone in weight. I walk through supermarkets now and see chocolate and sweets and it could be any other product. I don’t feel the emotional attachment to sweets or chocolate that I once felt. My energy levels are better, my sleep is better. I have no idea how it works – but it does. Whatever it is you’re looking for help with – food issues, weight loss, anxiety or sleep problems – it’s definitely worth giving it a try”
Sarah, Eating chocolate, sweets and weight management, January 2011
“I have nothing but praise for Matthew Excel’s hypnosis treatment. He has helped me so much to get out of the habit of “snacking” and indulging in alcohol every day. I have dropped two dress sizes. I shall continue to see him from time to. Marvellous”
Julia – Eating habits and Weight Loss, February 2011
“Much thanks must go to you Matthew, I feel so much better now. My mood is so much more stable and I’m enjoying things more now, I’m going out and meeting friends. My anxiety is now gone and I have not had a panic attack or fear since I last came to see you. My life is wonderful again and I am living”
Ursula – London, Anxiety and Panic Attacks, 13th January 2011
“Thanks to Matthew I’m now a proud ex smoker. I smoked sinse I was 13 and was never able to give up for more than a week before and even then people were telling me to start again because I was so ratty. It was actually really quite easy with help from Matthew and with the hypnotherapy and by the 3rd day it was like I was a different person. Now I feel different, cleaner, able to taste and smell food better, I breathe easier than before and I feel fitter now. I want to start playing football again but at 46 I’m probably past it now. Yes I have to say that I’m very impressed, and again thank you Matthew. And I’ve been telling people about you and what you’ve done for me
Graham Baigent reviewed Excel Hypnotherapy on 26 Jan 2011
“Well what can I say I’ve stopped smoking now and its been over 3 months, I’m suprised, shocked and very very pleased. I don’t even think about it anymore, the funny thing was after the second day it wasn’t even on my mind and I can be around smokers and it doesn’t bother me. The best money I’ve spent in ages, thanks Matthew”
James S – for stopping smoking – 2011
“Hi Matthew u helped me in mid July for my claustrophobia I thought I’d let u know how I got on going to the USA. I got on better than usual with the help you gave me. I felt a lot calmer on both the flight and difficult situations; some of the rides (Disney Land Florida) were closed in. Thank you for all your help.”
Kim – Flying Phobia and Claustrophobia, September 2010
“I just wanted to let you know that i have just got back from Thailand and had a wonderful time, even on the boats. I got on all of them (including the tiny little long tail boats in a storm) had no anxiety whilst doing it and actually enjoyed the experiance. I never thought it would happen, and i dont think it would have if i hadnt have come to see you. So thank you very much”
Claire – Phobia of water based creatures and being on water/boats – March 2010 – (please do sea/see above)
“Just wanted you to know that I have been getting on amazingly well in the last couple of weeks – better than I could ever have imagined. Food fixations seemed to disappear immediately and I don’t count calories any more. I have lost a few pounds, but unlike any previous weight loss, it has been virtually effortless. My only fear now is losing this new way of thinking, but hopefully time will cement it as habit. I would certainly recommend you to any friend who is thinking of some kind of therapy. Thanks very much”
Jan – Weight loss and maintainance – April 2010
“haven’t bitten one nail once !!!!!!!!! so thanks !!!!!!!!!! and it’s been 2 months now and counting !!!!!!!!!!!”
Tracy – Nail biting, February 2010
Stopping Smoking By Andrew M – 22 Apr 2009
“i really did not think it could work but it did. After 25 years of smoking Istopped. I had tried many things before and could not succedd but Mathew made me stop. I stopped after leaving seeing him I just did not want to smoke again. I have told some friends and i hope they try and if you want to I would suggest that you give him a call”
“I just wanted to let you know that i have just got back from Thailand and had a wonderful time, even on the boats. I got on all of them (including the tiny little long tail boats in a storm) had no anxiety whilst doing it and actually enjoyed the experiance. I never thought it would happen, and i dont think it would have if i hadnt have come to see you. So thank you very much”
Claire – Phobia of water based creatures and being on water/boat – March 2010
“I am writing to tell you how I am doing this past week. I’ve been felling much better. I had very good days, without feeling any palpitation at all and when I had I could tell that they aren’t as strong as it was before, so I am really happy with that. Also, I am not felling as soon as I wake up, which it is a very good felling. I am still aware of my heart, less than before and I cannot say that I am felling a 100% yet, but surely better than I was a few months ago”
Helena – Reading 2010 for Anxiety and Panic Attacks, 2010
“Since I saw you (January 2010) I’ve lost 2 pounds less than 2 stone, I’m slowly disapearing thank you I’m amazed but very pleased how well it’s worked”
Mick – For weight loss March 18th 2010
“I had tried before to stop smoking without much success. I knew I had to give up after becoming pregnant and still I struggled. I went along to see Matthew and I left not wanting to smoke ever again, even now after 5 weeks it barely crosses my mind that I ever did smoke. It’s difficult to put into words but I now don’t smoke and I’m sure I won’t ever again”
Tracy – Benson for stopping smoking 2010
“Yes ive stopped smoking and tanks to you thank you”
Liam – stopping smoking – 2010
“I was so skeptical, and as they come about hypnosis to begin with. I pictured some guy with a swinging watch who would try to get me to bark like a dog! But in reality it was nothing like that. We all experience hypnotic states on a daily basis, well I know that now anyway. I sought hypnosis for anxiety. Through hypnosis and hypnotherapy, I was able to reframe my thoughts so that the intrusive, threatening concepts that once kept my mind stuck in an endless and annoying anxiety loop were transformed into positive affirmations. Since this mind transformation, I have enjoyed a great deal of success in areas of my life that were once anxiety triggers. I highly recommend Matthew!!! Oh yeah!!!!!!!”
Chritian – Anxiety and Stage Performance – 2010
“I suffered from anxiety and depression for 2 years (and I had CBT which didn’t help), I had only 2 sessions of hypnotherapy and even after the first one I felt 50% better. It confused me how it could work so well but after thinking about it a while I couldn’t make it make sense, then I thought it doesn’t matter why it worked, it just did. I would suggest this to anyone and I’ve told friends about this”
Frank – Reading for depression and anxiety 2009
“I stopped smoking after 30plus years and 30/40 a day after seeing Matthew one time I’m chuffed”
lan – Reading for stopping smoking 2009 (and 2012 seen in the street)
Weight loss By Raylene M – 26 Apr 2008
“I have to really thank Matt and the work he did for me, I didn t need to lose much only 14ibs but I did it in 9 weeks with he’s help My confidence is better and so is my self esteem I recommend Matt to anyone …
“I saw Matthew last November (2008) for confidence coaching and another problem, since then I’ve got my old enthusiasm of life back especially around meeting and talking to girls. Before then my confidence and sex life was good but due to a serious accident and then a break-up I got into a spiral of feeling depressed, lacking confidence and having a sexual problem all associatedtogether. After having this go on for 7 months I had enough. I saw Matthew twice, he asked some questions, then did some hypnotherapy and it was that simple, I’m now back to my old self, was dating but now in a relationship and having fun and that’s a year later”
Ben, 27, Reading for confidence and sexual issue, 2008
“After the breakdown of my relationship I spent 5 years not knowing what to do and where to go for help. After finding out that NLP and Cognitive hypnotherapy I decided to give it a go and I am glad I did. I was feeling very negative about my life and because I went through with some treatments I went 4 times I am now in much better shape and feel so much more confident and relaxed. I would recommend this type of treatment to anyone”
R, 44, Nr Maidenhead for anxiety and self-esteem, 2007