Life coaching and NLP in Reading, Berkshire near Whitley, Burghfield, Calcot, Tilehurst, Sonning, Henley, Twyford, Bracknell, Basingstoke, Twyford, Wokingham, Maidenhead, Windsor, Woodcote, Goring, Pangbourne and Caversham for anxiety, anxiety disorders, panic disorders, panic attacks and anxiety issues
NLP and Life coaching in person, face to face and online via Zoom, Skype and Teams
Many people today have high levels of stress and anxiety, this can also go along with feelings of depression, hopelessness, losing or lacking interest in things, anger and anger management problems, the loss of self-esteem, can lead to phobias, poor sleeping and addictions.
The terms ‘anxiety’ and ‘stress’ are both used a lot when people describe how they are feeling, often being used in the same sentence and are often interchangeably; however there are some differences.
A simple explanation of anxiety is – something which hasn’t happened yet -, so when anxious about something you’re worrying about something which hasn’t happened at that moment in time. Often when it does happen it isn’t that bad, more often than not neutral and sometimes even positives can be noted. People can spend days, weeks or months worrying about something which hasn’t even happened. Anxieties are also natural and often have their purpose.
Anxiety itself is part of the normal human experience which most of us experience to a manageable degree most days. It is a common emotion along with fear, anger, sadness, and happiness, and it has a very important function in relation to survival. At times it is helpful because it can help prepare the body for action, and it can improve performance in a range of situations. Anxiety becomes a problem when it is experienced intensely and it persistently interferes with a person’s daily life.
Call 07807 540142 or Email today
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders can be defined into a variety of types such as generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, phobic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and stress related disorders.
Panic attacks & panic disorders
About 2% of the population will be affected by panic attacks at some point of their lives and is twice as likely to affect women than men.
Panic disorders are defined when someone has 4 or more panic attacks in a month. They are typically of greater intensity and often are accompanied by anxiety and/or depression.
Some things you can do to help are:
- Get plenty of exercise
- Healthy eating and a healthy diet
- Have lots of sleep
- Sufficient rest and relaxation time
And by
- Limiting stress or stressful situations in your life
- Other disciplines such as yoga, Tai chi, meditation, simple breathing exercise and self-hypnosis are increasingly utilised alongside these techniques to aid recovery and healing
- Stop watching the news or reading newspapers
Symptoms of anxiety can include
- Sleeping problems – insomnia, frequent waking and night terrors
- Changes in eating habits such as eating bad foods, binge eating or struggling to eat
- Drinking alcohol or using drugs, both legal and illegal
- Stomach pains or IBS
- Headache or Migraines
Stress is typically longer lasting and often does have some warranty, things such as losing a job or knowing you are going to be made redundant without having a new job, moving house, a break-up in a relationship, injury to the self or loved ones and death of someone close will bring an amount of inevitable feeling leading to stress.
And with these mentioned things there will be a natural weakening of the emotional, psychological and physical responses and how they are connected to the body and mind. After time things usually do even out; but when they aren’t or don’t that’s when the stress will need addressing.
However with using a combination of coaching, NLP and with ideas from positive psychology I can help you to overcome stress and anxiety as well as other conditions which present with them.
As with most issues there is likely to be a root cause and especially with stress it is usually known by the person; however using hypnosis and the unconscious mind we can effectively address this in a different way so that you can put it behind for good. With NLP there are many ways of helping to get anxiety truly under control, these techniques are extremely useful and adaptable
A description of anxiety HERE from the NHS website
Call 07807 540142 or Email today
NLP and Life coaching in person, face to face and online via Zoom, Skype and Teams
The Rahe Stress Scale
To measure stress according to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, the number of “Life Change Units” that apply to events in the past year of an individual’s life are added and the final score will give a rough estimate of how stress affects health.
Units = Adult Life Changes
100 Death of a spouse
73 Divorce
65 Marital separation
63 Imprisonment
63 Death of a close family member
53 Personal injury or illness
50 Marriage
47 Dismissal from work
45 Marital reconciliation
45 Retirement
44 Change in health of family member
40 Pregnancy
39 Sexual difficulties
39 Gain a new family member
39 Business readjustment
38 Change in financial state
35 Change in frequency of arguments
32 Major mortgage
30 Foreclosure of mortgage or loan
29 Change in responsibilities at work
29 Child leaving home
29 Trouble with in-laws
28 Outstanding personal achievement
26 Spouse starts or stops work
26 Begin or end school
25 Change in living conditions
24 Revision of personal habits
23 Trouble with boss
20 Change in working hours or conditions
20 Change in residence
20 Change in schools
19 Change in recreation
19 Change in church activities
18 Change in social activities
17 Minor mortgage or loan
16 Change in sleeping habits
15 Change in number of family reunions
15 Change in eating habits
13 Vacation
12 Christmas
11 Minor violation of law
Scores of 300+: You are at risk of illness.
Score of 150-299+: The risk of illness is moderate (-30% from the above risk).
Score 150-: Only have a slight risk of illness.